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Help PRM continue our lifesaving work!

Can't adopt right now? Can't afford to donate right now? There are still so many ways

you can help save lives and support Pet Rescue of Mercer!



PRM is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization. All contributions are tax deductable. 100% of funds are spent on animal welfare, and all members are non-paid volunteers.


Donate thru Paypal by clicking below or

Venmo your donation to us @petrescueofmercer


Our foster homes are constantly in need of supplies for our dogs, cats, puppies and kittens in need. We spend so much of our resources on dog, cat, puppy and kitten food and cat litter. Shop Amazon or Chewy and supplies will be sent directly to the foster homes.



Follow, like, love, comment and share all our posts on Facebook! Spreading the word about our adoptable pets and fundraisers is one of the best and easiest ways you can help support us!


Join PRM ... or any humane organization of your choice. Grass roots groups have incredible impact. Joining can mean the difference between life and death.


Volunteer with us and make a difference!



And tell your friends! Think first of animals that have been dumped in shelters because their owners got tired of them, or the new landlord won't accept pets, or the owners moved.


Temporarily house a dog or cat until a permanent home can be found. Fostering is an optimal way to save animals and allows us to get to know our adoptable pets better and match them with appropriate families. We are always in need of loving, patient families to foster dogs, cats, puppies and kittens!


Sign up to foster and save a life!

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Support our biggest supporters!  We thank Dr. Michael Petranto of the Mansfield Animal Hospital in Columbus, NJ and Drs. Christopher Garruba and Lesley Vannerson of the Nassau Animal Hospital in Princeton, NJ for helping us care for so many of our homeless animals over the year. 


You can now support Pet Rescue of Mercer simply by walking your dog with the Wooftrax app. Proceeds directly benefit the many homeless animals that we care for each year and support the ongoing good work that we do in our community. 



Shop Glad Dogs Nation to purchase lovingly upcycled toys  that help the environment and animals in need.  Use the coupon code PRM and 20% of your order will go to Pet Rescue of Mercer.




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